DRIVe is a new BARDA Division and stands for the "Division of Research, Innovation, and Ventures". It also represents the mindset of hyper focus, restless innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit at BARDA.

BARDA has been successful in developing and making available products that prevent, diagnose, and treat the illnesses and injuries caused by individual threat agents. In doing so, BARDA has found that systemic problems across most of the illnesses and injuries must also be resolved to save lives. DRIVe will solve problems that many health security threats have in common, systemic challenges, leveraging the flexibility provided to BARDA under the 21st Century Cures Act.

To infuse a new entrepreneurial spirit into biodefense, DRIVe draws the best in the field and the best in the business together to define the challenges. DRIVe accelerators across the country work like prospectors, identifying innovative potential solutions. We recognize that innovation can come from anyone anywhere in the U.S., or around the world, not just from Silicon Valley. DRIVe's nonprofit venture capital innovation partner will join other venture capitalists in funding development of the solution. Advanced development and manufacturing could be completed with support from BARDA through its portfolio partnerships, traditional contracts, or other transaction authority, through the innovation partner, or by private industry. Since many of the challenges DRIVe must solve for health security are also common problems in health care and biotechnology (examples: sepsis, detecting illness immediately), private investment is likely to further drive those solutions to the commercial market.

BARDA was created to fill gaps in medical countermeasure development and solve problems no one else could, for example, bringing new influenza vaccine technology to the market for pandemic preparedness, surge capability for medical countermeasure production in an emergency, and clarifying a path to product approval using animal models for CBRN products. We focus on innovative problem-solving with a shrewd approach to risk and the flexibility to craft win-win public-private partnerships; this focus has led to 35 FDA-approved products in 12 years, demonstrating unprecedented success. We also are drawing on lessons learned and recommendations from federal agencies like DARPA and the agencies involved in In-Q-Tel on working with venture capitalists. With a strategic investment and venture capital approach, the government actually takes on less risk than it would with a traditional development grant.

We'll use every tool at our disposal: from flexible consortiums, agreements, and contracts to venture capital investments and prize challenges.

We'll use every tool at our disposal: from flexible consortiums, agreements, and contracts to venture capital investments and prize challenges.


These questions and answers are cross-posted on

Now! You can submit an abstract after you request a portal account - full instructions are on our Partner page.

There is currently no limit to the number of abstracts that can be submitted by an offeror. Each abstract will be reviewed through the process. If the proposal is deemed Unacceptable, the offeror will have an opportunity to re-submit at a later date. It is recommended that an offeror submit only their best products for consideration with the potential to radically transform Health Security.

An institution is currently allowed to submit more than one abstract on behalf of investigators, or teams. There is currently no limit to the number of abstracts received by an offeror. It is recommended that an offeror submit only their best products for consideration with the potential to radically transform Health Security.

There is currently no limit to the number of institutions that may collaborate or partner together on a single abstract.

There is currently no limit to the allowed project period (period of performance); however, part of the evaluation includes the "Ability to transition technology and expand use of application", therefore communicating DRIVe team interest in seeing innovative ideas transition for follow-on investment outside the EZ- BAA This requires a realistic schedule, as well as realistic costs, and a transition strategy. Based on the $749,000 limit, we are expecting programs to be more pilot in concept than full development, however organizations may elect to leverage only limited Federal funds with a significant cost share contribution.

Reviews will likely include both USG personnel, internal and external consultants, and other reviewers as necessary to support the team. Due to procurement integrity we cannot discuss the specific makeup of reviewers.

DRIVe will not be managing such a list. However, all reviewers will be screened in advance for Conflict of Interests. If a prospective offeror believes a conflict of interest may exist, the situation shall be addressed with the Contracting Office via prior to abstract submission.

Generally speaking, DRIVe anticipates that EZ-BAA awards will be short in duration. However, specific Period of Performance (POP) for awards vary by project proposed.